Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Homework, Tuesday March 10th

Once you've read pages 702 through 707 in the text book, take a look at one (or more) of these videos. The first is footage from a TV special on the "Third Wave," an experiment carried out at Cubberley High School (in Palo Alto) in 1967. The teleplay, aired in 1981, reenacted the experiment. Recently, the story was remade in the German film Die Welle, which won two German film wards in 2008. The second, in the same vein (and the same grainy '80s PSA film) is The Children's Story, a short TV film based off of a story written by James Clavell in 1963. The story wasn't published until 1981; the TV adaptation was made the following year. The premise in a nutshell: life after the Soviet takeover (very much a document of the Cold War, this story). The final two vary in length, but both deal with the Stanford Prison Experiment of 1971. The first is a documentary, that includes interviews with participants and Dr. Philip Zimbardo, the Stanford psych prof who ran the study. The second, a bit longer, is the official documentary recapitulation of the experiment (available for sale at the experiment website, run by Zimbardo himself).

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