When I first saw this picture, it was a common picture that came to mind when hearing about the Holocaust. Having studied the Holocaust in Sunday School and middle school, its a topic that when I re-learn about, I learn something new every time. Recently, my grandmother Carol had told me she had just seen the movie The Reader and as always told me about the movie in depth, and told me how the main character was a Women Nazi guard. She said at the time the guard didn't know the extent of what she was doing, because she could not read. When I immediately saw this photo I thought of how the guard standing by this sign to boycott the Jews and not buy anything from them, may have no idea to what extent this picture will effect 4 million lives. This boycott was really the start of the harsh actions that would later come against the Jews and even if this Nazi Guard could not read the poster he was holding, he was still responsible for it. He became a Nazi, even if he had not known all the obligations that would come with that title, he still knew what the main purpose of this party was, to destroy the Jews. This picture looks like it takes place outside of a Temple and therefore almost threatening the Jews from practicing their religion as a Nazi guard stands outside with offensive posters. This image is a strong image of the start of the Holocaust without being too graphic.
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