Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Riveter

World War II was fought on the battlefield by men as we know but at the same time we have learned that there is so much to a war than what you see on the beaches. When a hefty majority of the young men, a lot of the workiong population leave to go off fighting, in both world wars the women stepped right in to their position and took over the job of running the homefront. Now Rosie The Riveter was a propaganda poster designed to encourage more Americans to help the War effort and who knows how the war would have turned out without this inspirational photograph.


  1. Your blog does a good job explaining what Rosie the Riveter was, but it leaves me with a few questions:
    Was Rosie the Riveter intended to encourage specifically women to join the war? When did Rosie the Riveter become a tool for propaganda? Was it around the time that women began gaining more militaristic power?

  2. It seemed like Rosie the Riveter worked well, because it changed some of the ideals for women at the time, making them want to work and get involved to make a difference.
