Wednesday, April 29, 2009

South Africa: False Paradise?

South Africa is clearly better off than WHO African Area. South Africa has a GPD per capita that is about 5 times as much as other WHO nations standing at $10960, while WHO Africa stands at $2 074. The adult literacy rate is 82.4%, while WHO Africa's is 60.1% These are all, I believe the direct effect of getting rid of the apartheid in 1994. The apartheid separated the heterogenous population of South Africa based on their skin color, but it now appears that the gap is closing, and that social and economic equality is increasing.
There is also the fact that school enrollment is 89% for both males and females. This is high compared to 70% and 63% for males and females, respectively. Even though this is not due to the end of the apartheid, it is still a very large step up for South Africa.
And while South Africa seems to be the most progressive in social and economic inprovement, HIV/AIDS, infant mortality and other diseases still cost many more lives than they should were a stabler form of health care in place. For example, the life expectancy at birth is drastically low at 47 for men and 49 for women. The life expenctacy for WHO Africa is the same for both men and woman as in South Africa. Infant mortality is 67 death per 1,000 live births. HIV/AIDS affects 21.5% of adults in South Africa, while only affecting 7.1% in WHO Africa. These are staggering statistics that truly show that while some areas of South Africa are a step up from other less developed African countries, other parts are no better off.

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