Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Torture Issue

Currently, the issue of torture exhibited the United States has been a reoccuring topic in the news.  It is a controverial issue as well.  Some, who are for torture, believe that it is a nessecary, effective form of interrogation.  Others, agaist torture, believe that it is unconstitutional and violates basic human rights.  I found it interesting that this issue connected with some of our upfront articles on historical and current government action being concealed. For example, the history and numbers behind the Stalin purges are still concealed today.  The United States was founed upon just principals such as having a government for the people.  It is interesting, though, that these procedures were hidden from the public until recently.  Aside from China and developing countries in Africa, toture is generally not condoned. With bribes and lobyist influencing government procedures, this is yet another thing that seems to make politics questionable.

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