Thursday, March 19, 2009

Worth It?

This video aired by NBC was not only meant to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the deployment of the atom bomb, but also to remind everybody the horrors that it brought. Some people ask the question of why the U.S. dropped the atom bomb? But that is not the right question to be asking because many of us know that the U.S. decided to drop the atom bomb because they thought it would save them from having more casualties in the war. The real question people should ask is whether it was the right choice? Whether it was worth killing about two hundred thousand people just to end the war? In this video these questions are brought to the audience's mind and it seems that these questions are still in many controversial debates. However, we see a bit more of a lean toward the answer of the atom bomb being wrong because we hear a lot of stories of the people that suffered and the effects that the bomb had on the areas attacked. These side effects include mental and physical effects that are both temporary and long term. It puts emphasis not only on the deaths that happened, but also on the radiation issues that is still present due to its hereditary property. Such a strong focus on the bad aspects that the bomb had demonstrates that the film is against the decision that was made about the bomb. This also indicated through of the lack of the pros about their decision to drop the bomb. Some would include like that end of the war and possible preventing a larger number of casualties due to the war.
This video is trying to promote the idea that nuclear weapons are very delicate things that can cause great damage. It also demonstrates how some people regret deeply all the side effects of the bomb. This brings about the idea that war and destruction are viewed in a very negative way and are regretted by many people.


  1. I agree with you that the video showed the atom bomb as wrong, and for a good reason. Although it can be said that more people would have died in an invasion of Japan than in just dropping the bomb, no one took the after-effects of the bomb into question: that thousands of people would die after the bomb was dropped from the effects of radiation.

  2. This is very well written, I like how you have questions throughout your piece. I also agree, the video leaned towards saying the atom bomb was wrong - with good intentions to do so. All the personal experiences with trauma still being expressed were great indicators the movie had a negative view. I like how you tied your op-ed at the end by bringing in the underline point of the nuclear bomb.
