Sunday, April 19, 2009

Arc de Triomphe

Arc de Triomphe (Paris, France)

The Arc de Triomphe is a famous monument located on Champs Elysees Avenue in Paris, France. This monument honors those who fought for France in the Napoleonic Wars. Under the arc is a tomb of an unknown soldier from WWI, who was buried there in 1920. This arc was designed by Jean Chalgrin in 1806. Napoleon commanded him to build an arc that was to represent the glory of the French army. Since Napoleon admired Roman empires, following the example of a famous roman arc, Napoleon decided to build a monument himself for France. Construction began in 1806 and was only completed in 1836. 


Since I've never been to Arc de Triomphe, I was interested in what people had to say about their experience.
Interesting website ... people provided reviews on the Arc de Triomphe:

After reading the reviews, I found out that most people had excellent things to say about the arc. Some said they liked the architecture while others said they liked the view from the top. Although the Arch is so amazing, there is one thing the people that left bad reviews are concerned with; the traffic around the arc is so dangerous and its really hard to drive around it and it destroys the peaceful nature of the statue. Frustrated by this, a very few people gave the arc bad review. However, there must be a reason why its at the center of attention. Perhaps it represents French pride and glory because of the many names of war generals inscribed on the inside of the arc. In the picture below are the names inscribed on the inside of the arc. 

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