Sunday, April 19, 2009


I used this video:

The video is a debate with Daniel Dennett. Daniel Dennett raises the question, is god a human invention? *the question was proposed by Dinesh

Another big question raised is why is the youth turning away from religion? I think that this is an obvious question. People are getting smarter. People aren't believing things because "they should" because its "just right," but because they ration through it. People can think for themselves, and with all of these scientific discoveries, it really is quite irrational to believe in a religion or god. Back when Christianity was formed, things were far from scientific. If people in the town were sick, it must be because of that black cloud in our head. Atheism goes with liberalism and religon, while Religion goes with conservatism. The bottom line is that liberals embrace everyones rights, while conservatives only care about their own. That is what it comes down to. If you really took the time to rationally think about things (life) you would realize how accurate that statement is. Can there be an atheist conservative? NO. Can there be a religious liberal? YES. That says a lot if you think about it. 

Dinesh is simply crazy! He is a master of rhetoric. A master of saying so much, but meaning so very little. He tries to rebut Dan's FACT that the only reason Islam is growing is because of families having children and not because of converting, but is wrong in his attempts. Dinesh also thinks that religion is growing in America. Not really Dinesh, did you listen to Dan at all? Dinesh, life must be so easy only seeing the things you want to see. Anything that proves you wrong, doesn't it make life just so much easier for you to ignore it? Doesn't that make your lame points about religion seem even more valid to yourself? Dan pointed to the New York Times (a valid source last time I checked) which said that when the children today become adults, only 4% of them will believe in the bible. Yes Dinesh, religion is really growing (remember he ignores FACTS that do not support his theory). Go back a couple hundred years ago and everyone believes in the bible. Look at this study, 4%? I wonder why people are turning to atheism? Does that tell you anything? He then points to countries and say "hey look they are growing from a decade or so ago!" Dinesh, the population is growing to. The majority of the growth isn't from conversions! Some atheist must have rubbed him the wrong way when he was a child, because he really has an axe to grind. His agenda is huge. Of course Dinesh is going to side with religion. Duh! He is religious himself! He makes Sam Parker arguments (very broad over generalizations).

I cannot stand Dinesh!

*I did not mean to attack anyone's religious beliefs in anyway. I respect everyone's beliefs. As I said, liberals support everyone's rights religious and non religious. 

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