Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Polar Opposites

To build a little more off of what Caitlin said, I am havaing a hard time trying to compare these two things at all, due to the fact that the methods to bring about a result are so different from one to the other.  In "Land Reform In Action", I found it particularly powerful that fear against old ideology was what essentially kept people from speaking out originally, and that seemed to bring about a much more sincere and powerful result than to just instill fear in everyone for not cooperating.  This is what I found different in reading "Make Revolution!"  I saw that they were attempting to use tactics that remind me almost like the Nazis, in the sense of instilling such a mortal fear in the people. In that sense, I find it almost impossible to compare the two, but I guess it's arguable that they are both trying to bring about the same result, to instill and ideal in a group of people through certain tactics. 

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