Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Out with the Old

After reading both passages, I found out that they were very similar because both passages had a main theme of revolution, reformation, and going against the old order. The passages managed to display this specific theme in different ways. The one page 766,  had peasants against the "political forces." In the article on page 769, it was youths  (proletariat class) going against old Chinese culture. Both of the social classes in the passages went against the old order completely. 
One thing I found was different was how hesitant the peasants were to go against the old order while the proletarians (Red Guards) went at it and started destroying things of old Chinese culture immediately. The peasants fear to speak out against Kuo Te-yu in the first passage was probably because all their lives they have been living in poverty and when they finally had an opportunity to go against the government, they didn't know what to do and weren't confident. On the other hand,  perhaps because the proletariat class was on a slightly higher level than the farmers (peasants)  they didn't feel restrained and were able to go against the old order without hesitation. 

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