Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Class Dismissed

The Taliban is using the most common form of rule: fear. They do so by frightening the population with guns, forcing them to obey. They force girls to stay home from school, keeping them illiterate. That is another form of power, for if un-educated they have a lower chance of realizing the situation they are in (being controlled by a terrorist originization) and thus not retalliating. This is a horrifying way of ruling, one that the Nazis as well as so many other Fascist governments used. It makes me think about how ridiculous the problems that a typical menlo student has. The largest problems are usually doing terribly on a test, while students in Afghanistan have problems that include being murdered while on their way to school. Articles like these give us some perspective on the different worlds we live in. However, it also brings hope to see that these women are retalliating, fighting for what is right. It shows that ruling through fear only works for some time, until enough people realize what is going on. And right now, the Afghanistanian women know exactly what is happening, and they are prepared to fight for it.


  1. I think that this is strong and brings a good link to our very own daily lives. I also liked how you showed how this article shows both the bad, that women are being treated like this, and the good, that they are fighting or what is right.

  2. I liked how you gave an example to compare the 'luxurious' life of a Menlo student to the horrifying one of an Afghan girl. You also clearly said that you believe the Taliban to be a fascist system, without bluntly saying so.

  3. I agree if your point that if the women are un-educated they will then be unaware of what is happening and will be less likely to revolt against the Taliban. In addition I think you are right in saying that these articles put things into perspective and I know I have realized how different each country is, in the sense of the problems that each faces everyday.

  4. I like how you put things in perspective, by showing the things we take for granted may be something which other kids can only dream of having. You demonstrate your ideas clearly in this Op-Ed.

  5. Robbie,
    I liked your Op-Ed a lot. It was concise and to the point. Other Op-Ed's I have read were around your size but felt too short. Yours seems perfect to me. You are able to express your opinion quickly but it is still strong. I completely agree with what you are saying and hope to see future work of yours progress!

  6. Thanks a lot Ryan! I will be looking forward to reading your Op-Ed as well!!

  7. I think by starting out with fear you open your op-ed to relate to lots of things and in particular, fascism which is created mostly on fear. Also by bringing in Menlo putting in perspective and how bad the Afghan girls lives compared to ours really are really brings people to reflect again on what they think of school work and other things they may call "chores". Good job Robbieee!
