Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oooh, a Blog!

Welcome, fellow investigators of modern world history, to the experiment. We've got a blog. It's pretty cool. The goal is to use this space to collaborate, share, critique, and commend. It's out in the open; it's a living archive that can be read by anyone, anywhere with internet access. It's our foray into the new system of news and opinion. Let's jump in...


  1. Calling "first" on comments is generally frowned upon in most venues of internet social-community-interaction, Mr. Parker.

    For shame. =(

  2. CEP sounds professional as if its a company of some changing my blogger name

  3. change it to rheuter of justice....

  4. can every hw assignment be in the form of this blog...its the bomb

  5. This is a fairly good blog. You give a pretty bare definition of what a blog actually is, but I get the general idea. I really like how you gave blogging the properties of a swimming pool by saying, "Let's jump in...", it makes me want to begin to blog that much more. Other than giving the reader a little more insight into the possibilities of blogging, this is a good post.
