Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Taliban View

Regarding the actions of the Taliban members I fully disagree with what they performed towards the young students. The government has allowed women to freely get an education, therefore I do not think it is right that just because the Taliban members felt women didn't have the right to be educated and would rather women be "stupid things" they do not have the right to act out against women. I personally think the Taliban would get across their point much better if they proposed an argument to the government stating why they felt this way rather than acting out in such violence. However, this didn't come as a surprise to me that the Taliban would act in such violent ways considering their past. I do not think the Taliban is a fascist regime but i would say the Taliban is indeed a totalitarian state. The Taliban has definitely taken over the social, political, economic, intellectual, and cultural aspects of Afghanistan without the governments consent. The Taliban does not allow any opposition and instead responds violently, instigating fear into the civilians. By instigating fear the Taliban creates a one sided relationship with the people, the Taliban having all control. All in all the Taliban is a great example of a totalitarian state without out being part of a fascist regime.
I believe the Taliban is not a fascist regime because the definition I found for Fascism was a governmental system led by a dictator. However, I found that when I searched for one main leader of the Taliban, there was not one. I found that Mullah Akhtar Mohammad founded the Taliban but was not the main leader, therefore I had come to my conclusion that the Taliban was a totalitarian group.


  1. I think that this was very clear and well written; however, i think that the taliban is fascist. the reasons i think that are in my op-ed

  2. I like many of your points but i personally don't believe that for them a better approach would be to propose their arguement to government because there really isn't any reason besides their own greed and need for power as for why they don't want girls to get a education.

  3. Your article is well-organized and to the point. I liked the fresh take on whether the Tailban are fascist or not. Your arguments for why they are a totalitarian state are well put, although I would have liked to hear about what makes them not a fascist regime.

  4. I thought that you presented your opinion on the Taliban very well and it is an interesting opinion. I hadn't thought of it that way until I read your work. It is very concise and to the point so it really helped me understand your view and made it interesting to read.

  5. I agree with a lot of points that you have said here. It would be great if the Taliban didn't act in such violent ways, and could search for other paths to take to get their points, most of which are invalid, across. I have to say though that them going to the government with a plan wouldn't work quite as well as we could all hope. The taliban is a greedy group that will go to any extremes to have power, clearly they can't be stopped by any force in Afghanistan. But you have the right ideas for a less violent approach of the taliban. Well done sar :)

  6. It stayed the very clear throughout the Op-Ed as to what side you were taking on this issue. You presented a side many of us hadn't thought of up until now, and helped me to better define my own ideas on the subject.

  7. Sarah,
    Your Op-Ed was concise and to the point. I think you may be able to expand it a little longer to get across your points a little clearer. Your opening sentence to me seems unnecessary and obvious. I don't know of many people who agree with the Taliban putting acid on young girls faces. My favorite sentence is,, "The Taliban does not allow any opposition and instead responds violently, instigating fear into the civilians." This point is a strong statement that really explains the situation going on in Afghanistan.

  8. After reading my comment it seemed harsh. I did not mean it to be that way at all. I just was trying to give constructive criticism.

  9. EASE UP RYAN JEEZE, this is a solid op-ed. It don't get no better than solid. Instead of just making a list of facts, you stated your opinion and got your point across clearly, good job.

    - j-dub (jakes ryan)

  10. I thought this was an interesting argument to pursue and you organized your evidence very clearly and concisely. You got the point across without dragging out your argument for too long.

  11. Sarah,
    I think that this was a good op-ed. don't listen to Ryan, hes just being harsh!

    I think that this is very well put together as well as opinionated (as op-eds should be). I agree with your point that negotiations should never be violent, but I think in the Talibans case that is the only way their ideas would become a reality. that is due to their ideas being ridiculous, and they would never get passed unless forced upon.

    Once again, don't listen to Ryan, this op-ed is great and I had a really fun time reading it!!

  12. This is a wonderful op-ed. You get your point across very nicely. I agree with your analysis of the Taliban. Your evidence is very clear and very interesting.
