Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First a Job, Now a Uniform and Gun!

Just from looking at what a single paragraph about the WACs as well as finding out what it stands for can tell you how there was a change in the role of women from WWI to WWII.  Members of the WACs or Women's Army Corps not only helped build ammo and guns but some (over 150,00) even fought in the war.  Although this was not thought of as "the best thing since sliced bread" and there was some difficulty in accepting women in the war, in the end it seemed as if the sheer increase/number of people fighting in the war was enough for them to accept it.  This tells us that this was such a big war that just getting more people into it, no matter who those people were was a very important thing.

WWI:  Was the revolution for more women getting jobs during the war.  Holding down the fort almost, and making supplies to send off.  People accepted this but they still thought that it was a temporary basis and when the war was over, the most men took their jobs back.

WWII:  Was the revolution for women fighting in the war.  As the women held down the morale back home, here they kept morale up by fighting in the war, receiving many thousands of letters (65,000 per shift).  They were good fighters as well as 657 WACs received metals and citations.  

Other blogs talking about the WACs or the WAACs:  Molly Eliza Priyanka Rebecca


  1. I like how you separated World War I and II into two sections. It's refreshingly different from the walls of text that everyone else has done (myself included), and it's easier to find your arguments.

  2. I like how you clearly explained the role of women during each war because it enables us to see the change more clearly. Both wars seem like a huge turning point in women's rights because they gain more power with each war. With so many men off to fight and risking/losing their lives, its inevitable that the women can't just sit at home anymore. Your blog was very clear gave us good information while also being able to recognize your argument.

  3. I like how you clearly separated WWI and WWII. It helps to show very well the differences (and the similarities as well) of women's roles in each. This set up also helped to highlight the temporary change in women's rights during WWI and the more permanent change in WWII.

  4. The detailed inspection of both the wars showed us the facts and supported them at the same time. I agree with the conclusion that the 2nd world war was different than the first in the way that the role of women increased and was more stable

  5. In my opinion, you got your idea across really well. The way you seperated the wars and the roles that women played in both of them really helped me understand what points you were trying to focus in on.
