Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Modern (sort of) Media of/about WWII

Although off of the top of my head I couldn't think of very many movies that I had watched or books that I had read that took placer during WWII, I saw one that was already posted and that seemed to spark my memory about the subject:

Sound of Music:  Musical based during WWII about a nun who goes to help an Austrian family and ends up falling in love with the captain.  In it are huge references to the affects of the Hitler Youth, and of Nazi control, both in their flag and in the way they try to force the captain into a position in their army.

A Separate Peace: (Yes I know that most of us, if not all read it.)  Takes place in a boys military training/boarding school about the events that happen between Gene Forrester and Phineas at Devon school.

The Pianist: Just recently I watched part of this movie and it was a lot to handle.  There were some pretty stunning scenes in it and although I didn't see the entire thing, one part in particular, when the Nazis throw a person in a wheelchair because he/she can't stand up, is pretty gruesome, along with some of the other things that the Nazis make the Jewish people do.  You can also see the growth of power, similar to Maus, as the control that the Nazis have grows more and more.

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