I realize that this assignment didn't ask for memorial pictures, but I stumbled across an interesting article that talked about this memorial which is actually in San Francisco. The memorial is technically dedicated to Rosie the Riveter, even though she is a fictional character. Instead of portraying images of Rosie the Riveter, like perhaps a traditional monument would, the memorial depicts photographs of other women inspired by the cultural icon. Their words are welded into the structure and ground, for the public eye to observe and be inspired by. One older woman pondered, "'I have a deeper feeling we're all Rosies now.'' This cultural icon allowed women to gain confidence in themselves and encouraged them to conquer what they couldn't before.
The monument itself is rather modern and unique, perhaps to mirror the ideas that Rosie was stirring up. I'm not entirely sure how interactive this monument is supposed to be, however. What looks like a ladder is filled in with photographs and the overall structure is somewhat impractical. Hmmm what does that say about Rosie...
I had no idea a monument could be for a fictional character; I find that very interesting. Also I didn't know that there was a memorial out there that is solely for the independence and strength of women. I wonder why it hasn't gotten more publicity and why did they chose San Francisco?