Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Women's place in society

After learning about WWI, and WWII as well as doing some research on Rosie the Riveter, it seemed to me that the role of women in both of these wars was primarily the same. Women were always thought of as the one who took care of the household, and had babies in order to continue this process. However, once the war hit because the men went off to war, their was desperate need for people to take over the factories, as wells as other jobs that the men did, in order to help provide for the army, and keep the cities going. Women then were desperately needed to take over the jobs that were vacant, and their roles in society switched. They no longer were quarantined to their households to make dinner, and take care of the children. They now were the reason that the armies were fully supplied, and ready to fight. In WWI their jobs were mainly running all of the factories. However, in WWII the women became much more involved in the war, and now were no longer just operating the factories but were also taking care of the wounded soldiers, and were pilots for the Air Force. The fact that women were restricted to only helping work/manage the factories during WWI, and the in WWII their was a huge leap and women were then able to be pilots, help with the wounded soldiers, and take on other jobs that the men left behind. This indicated a enormous change in the roles the women took in society, and how women were slowly becoming more, and more respected. It is important to see how much the role of women is society has changed over the years, and how the events that took place in WWI, and WWII were key to the evolution.

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