Monday, May 18, 2009

The Price of Going to Class

For most students where we live, the thoughts that you have when you get up on a Monday and have to go to school are probably not ones of excitement. However, in Afghanistan girls are eager to go to school, to have the opportunity to be educated. Even after being sprayed in the face with acid by Taliban members, they still want to go back to school as soon as possible so they do not miss out on their education, however the fear of attack still remains. When the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in 1996, they banned most sources of entertainment including TV and music. Girls were forbidden to go to school and women were forced to wear burkas. When the Taliban regrouped in 2003 they began targetting schools. The question is, can we consider the Taliban fascist? Lets compare the Taliban to Nazi Germany. A certain extremist group rising up and taking power through manipulation of the general population. Having their ideals enforced through constant fear of punishment. The forcing of women to work at home and girls to not go to school is extremely similar to when the Nazi's made Jews wear the Star of David and did not allow them to own businesses. So can we consider what is going on in Swat Valley to be Fascist? Yes, there is no doubt about it.

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