Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Berlin Wall

Research Questions:
Could providing different conditions have stopped the fleeing of the people from East Germany to West Germany or was the construction of the wall necessary due to the change being a radical idea to the controlling power of East Berlin?
The fall of the Berlin Wall happened in the time period of the fall of the Soviet Union. Was this a coincidence? If it wasn't, how did the cold war and the fall of the Soviet Union influence the fall of the Berlin Wall?
What did the alliances between France, Britain, and the U.S. have to do with the tensions that were introduced after the end of World War II?
How was Germany limited by this wall?
How did other countries get involved by this wall?

What makes my monument interesting is that it wasn't build to memorialize something. It was built for separation of one people from another. Even though it has long been destroyed, when we hear the words "Berlin Wall" we immediately think of a stone wall painted by graffiti. I want to know if there is something else present except the stone blocks that we see today. It is even in the news today because the painters that painted the wall the first time are being hired again this summer to repaint the wall.I am interested in this great monument because I know little about something that is recognizable around the globe.

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