Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Berlin Wall

My research questions revolve mostly around what the different reasons for building the Berlin Wall were besides to stem the flow of people moving from East to West Berlin, and the hypothetical question of whether wall was built for more political reasons than economical. Here are some of my questions: If the education systems in both East and West Berlin had the same drawbacks and benefits, would this have lessened the so called "Brain Drain" and therefore prevented the building of the wall? Was the economy of East Berlin deteriorating fast enough to justify the building of the wall or were there other reasons? Was the Berlin Wall, in a way, used as propoganda to alienate the "other side"? And finally, how big of a role did the espionage during the cold war play in the decision to build the wall? I think that these questions make my project interesting because instead of exploring the straight up facts about the building of the wall, I get to look at varying opinions on the wall and put together different pieces of evidence to draw my own conclusion on it.

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