Monday, April 20, 2009

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is located in Arlington Cemetery in Virginia. It is one of Arlington’s most popular tourist attractions. This monument celebrates the unknown American soldiers from Word Wars I and II, the Korean War and until 1988 the Vietnam War. The first article I found called Ideas and Trends; Laying to Rest the Last of the Unknown Soldiers is about how modern science has changed the tradition of the unknowns. New methods of DNA testing have resulted in the remains of the Vietnam unknown to be identified. Americans today are less willing to accept the idea that someone who is fighting for our country will die and never be known for their bravery or valor. The Pentagon was faced with the decision to honor the sanctity of the tomb or to honor the commitment to our nation to a full accounting of those who were missing in action. The Pentagon made the right decision when they decided to examine the remains of the Vietnam unknown. He was identified as First Lieut. Michael J. Blassie, a fighter pilot. The second article I found was not as important but I thought it was quite interesting. The article explained how the marble tomb was starting to crack and what the government was going to do to fix the cracks. A man wanted to donate a slab of marble to help his country maintain the monument but government Bureaucracy got in the way.
Now it has to go through some approval process. I t has been two years and it still is not approved.

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