Thursday, February 26, 2009

Who is in Control

To me, a lot of what is and has been going on has to do with who is in control over who and how they are using that to their advantage.  For example, Hitler tried to influence and use/control the youth of Germany as a big part of his supporters.  He could target the youth because they are at a time in their life where they are wondering who they are and are forming their own opinions and therefore can be influenced if good opportunity presents itself.  For younger people, it is really important to be accepted into a group so that you are not alone.  The Nazi party presented that opportunity.  The opportunity for the younger people to be with other people who all share the same leader and ideals.  Young People are also the future, (like the song "Tomorrow belongs to me" in the movie Cabaret that we watched) and if you can manage to control them, then you have a huge step up in controlling the future.
Similarly, the Taliban recognize that the younger people, girls included, are the future, and if they go to school and get an education, they can pose a threat to the Taliban whether through education of others, or becoming organized against them.  You can already see this from the New York Time documentary where the girl was speaking out against the control that the Taliban has over their school-going.  They are trying to establish their power by showing that they will carry out their beliefs/orders that the girls shouldn't be in school.  As we have seen so much throughout history, the powers usually try to make an example out of someone so as to warn the others.  The girls though have taken this warning and basically stepped on it refusing to stay at home.

Both Hitler and now the Taliban were trying to contain the people that they were controlling making sure that there could not be anything that could lead to future uprisings or threats to their power.  Both groups used fear and weren't afraid of things getting a little messy.  The difference now from Hitler though, is that the girls have shown a tremendous strength and most have gone back to school instead of living in the contained fear.  Fear only works on the weak-spirited, and these girls back in school are showing that they are determined and could very well be the threat that the Taliban is trying to get rid of.

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