Thursday, March 5, 2009

Appeasement: One Winner

Before, on Robert Wicker's piece on appeasement, I said that appeasement=constructively kissing the ass of a threat. Now of course this may not be true for all occasions, but I feel that most appease for this reason: the one whom they are appeasing has some role in their fate. The family dynamic is one filled with compromises, but for the children, their appeasing begins around the dawn of teenage life. As a teenager, we are inclined to test the boundaries of "adult-hood," even though we are still adolescents. To get what we want in our secluded island of highschool, girls (or boys, or neither, or both,) parties, friends, we must appease the higher powers in our life in order to continue down the road of getting what we want. In the short-term, the appeaser rarely receives anything back, and is left empty handed. However, in the long-term, the appeaser, with enough appeasing, may get what they wanted, and possibly more. Or to be a little more frank, by kissing a lot of butt, the appeaser will always have it their way. I choose to have a balance of compromise and appeasement, for I feel too much appeasement leads to weakness, vulnerability, and the chance of being taken advantage of.


  1. Very nice job in strongly connecting the concept appeasement with examples from life that most people can relate to.

    I like the way you finish with a clear position.

    Again, nice job.

  2. I think that that you did a great job talking about appeasement, and I completely agree because I can relate to it...

    Great Job!

  3. you do a very good job of establishing your opinion, which is useful. Good example from the familial relationships, even if it's overused. Great job!

  4. You did a very good job connecting appeasement to the family hierarchy. I like your view on appeasement: it's just a bunch of butt kissing.
