Thursday, March 5, 2009

That's It?

At Menlo, the affluent community that we have is great for giving Luttickens lots of business even in these times of trouble. However, it would seem that a trend has started where people don't bring money and that just because someone has bought a bagel at Luttickens, that it obviously means that it is for everybody to share. "As I walked into the quad, I was bombarded with people asking for a bite or money." one student shared. So how do we take care of this problem? Well, it is really quite easy, give one person a bite and by appeasing one, you appease all and take care of the problem, hopefully.


  1. I'm not quite sure I understand your logic. Your saying that once you appease one person everyone goes, "Oh, since you appeased that one person I feel appeased as well." I like your idea of incorporating Luttickens but you need to expand.

  2. I agree with Ryan ... i don't quite get your logic

    what if more than 1 people are asking for bagels?

  3. This is an interesting example. I dont think I agree that by sharing food you're really fulfilling one's demands, or appeasing. Luettikens is a cool example, but it'd be great if you could expand for on your thinking.

  4. This is a very personal example, but wrong. You are pretending to be the Western nations, hoping that giving Hitler a small piece of land will cure his hunger for land (or a muffin). You are using a good example to reach the wrong conclusion.
