Monday, March 16, 2009

Textbook Layout

I think that separating the Holocaust from the rest of World War II is a really misleading way to organize a textbook. Doing so would make people wonder how the events were really related to each other in terms of which aspects of the Holocaust effected which parts of the war. In general, I think it is difficult to accurately assess the timeline of an era when the two major events occurring at that time are separated. Therefore, I would include it all in one giant chapter organized chronologically. I would separate it into a series of blocks of years. For example, 1933-1935 might be one subcategory. It would be based on what makes the most sense relative to the history that occurred in a certain period of years. Furthermore, I'd break up each block into the countries that contributed to the events of that time, detailing what was going on where. The order that the countries were mentioned would basically depend on which countries actions caused the ramifications on the rest and the events thereafter. Overall, I think it is best to organize a textbook in the order that events happened in history. It is the best way to show cause and effect and inflict a true understanding of the progression of history. 

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