Monday, March 16, 2009

Would you like a little Holocaust with that WW2?

I do understand why the book separates WW2 and the Holocaust, I can understand their decision making, and their intentions.  They wanted to explain the two separately because they are technically two different things involving different people.  The Jews who were starved in the Holocaust weren't fighting in WW2, although they were partially the reason WW2 happened.  Although I understand why the textbook made this decision, I don't agree with it because it makes no logical sense.  Why would you separate what germany did to cause the war, and the war itself.  In any other chapter, the book would have explain the cause of the war along with the war itself.  For some reason, just because it is the "Holocaust" this time there is some exception.  I tend to disagree.  Although WW2 and the Holocaust are much more important topics than many other wars, I see no reason to separate the two.  If I were making my own chapter, I would keep the two together to show that they are essentially one entity and one would not come without the other.  I would stress the importance of the Holocaust and WW2 by just making the chapter longer and therefore more significant.  My chapter would be titled something, I don't know, witty I guess would be the word that I'm going for.  Something like, "Would you like some Holocaust with that WW2?", Just an idea.  Maybe a little to casual.

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