Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dinesh D'Souza and "The End of Racism"

In 1995, Dinesh D'Souza published a controversial bestseller titled The End of Racism. The book discusses how America is no longer fighting racism because people have simply accepted that racism exists, thus stifled progress to prove such ideas wrong. Dinesh D'Souza explores questions regarding racial prejudice and whether or not such a characteristic is innate or culturally acquired. Although I could not find D'Souza's answer to this question, I believe that every individual recognizes racial differences, but I do not believe that racism is an inborn trait. I know that I sometimes use racial profiling and I am sure that this is not naturally a part of me. I most likely observed it in movies or perhaps, unfortunately, from my family. I do not believe that racism started with differences in color; I believe it began with cultural divides and people trying to comprehend why cultures differ. I believe racism developed from confusions and misunderstandings that can occur from language barriers. It was easier to label someone as being strange or foreign rather than trying to find common ground.

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