Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mr. Outspoken Concervative Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D'Souza, a Indian immigrant now living in the U.S., is a very outspoken conservative political commentator. He has written about a dozen novels in the span of his life, and many articles ranging from topics such as Ronald Raegan, why the Left is responsible for 9/11, and why religion is actually flourishing and not dying. His very opinionated piece on religion,titled God knows why faith is thriving helps give a look into his religious views and into his political views. Religion, a very controversial subject to undertake is handled in what I believe to be a very formal and well thought out fashion.
D'Souza offers his views on how atheism is anti-progressive, with his reasoning being that areas with high atheist percentages have dwindling populations and how people with religions have something to look forward to, while those that are atheist have nothing. This, he derives, is why religion helps strengthen populations. While he makes some very valid points and observations, he fails to examine modern religion and atheism through different lenses. He spends a very large part of his article explaining how economics affect religion and vice versa, but does not examine the actual dynamic between religion and atheism very much. He mentions how the prospect of the afterlife only very briefly, and goes on to talk mostly about economics and population. This makes him seem to be more interested in the economic stimulus that religion causes in countries, rather than the argument that exists between believers and non-believers.
His case is very well thought out, and even though I am on the non-believing side, I have to say that he did a very good job handling the subject.

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