Thursday, April 16, 2009

Franz Fanon

Although I agree with Robbie that Franz Fanon is very bias and believes that africans are the only ones that are colonized, I believe that Fanon presents a lot of valid points. One thought of his that I agree with is that when people are colonized by foreign rule, they take on the foreign culture and lose pare of their own. Similar to India when the East India Company took over, the foreign country that is imposing rule (England in this case) teaches their language in schools and slowly changes aspects of the countries culture to make it more like their own. This leaves the country being colonized no choice but to conform to these changes and deal with them. I can see where Franz's anger comes from because it is very difficult giving up everything that you believe in for something that someone else forces you to believe. It is especially hard because as Franz says, French....which identifies blackness with evil and sin, showing that the French though that the Africans were horrible and much worse than themselves. It would be harding trying to adapt to a culture in which your people are the epitome of evil. Therefore although I don't agree with everything Franz said, he did have valid arguments on a lot of his views towards colinization. 

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