Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dinesh D'Souza

After reading an article called "The Closing of the Conservative Mind, Part I," which was written by Dinesh D'Souza I was able to learn about his views. D'Souza is an extreme leftist who is Islamic, and has written a book called The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11. He has received many threats from angry rightist American who speak of him as a follower of Bin Laden. The problem with D'Souza is that because he grew up in India, he doesn't understand how people could disagree withhis believes, he is single minded an has no clue how to understand someone else's perspective. In his book D'Souza blames "American liberal policies and actions taken by named individuals in power." I personally feel that through reading responses that people have had from his book, and how Americans feel that he is blaming America I find it impossible to understand why he doesn't understand people harsh feelings towards the book. Lastly this article clearly illustrated how extreme someone's view points can be.

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