Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Father-Daughter Appeasement

I have tired to appease my father with the hope it would prevent continual tension in my decision not to walk with him. I hate walking, especially with my father. What sixteen-year-old daughter wants to walk with her father? After sixteen years of being his daughter I have learned the more I give into his demand to walk the more willing he is to let me do what I want with my free time. Sadly this strategy doesn’t always work. For example, my dad has this thing about wanting to walk with me on the weekends. Whenever I know I want to do something on that particular weekend and he asks me to walk instead of saying no and arguing, I go. Usually arguing makes him angry and then he uses that against me and tells me I can’t go out. I find it easier to say yes with out any complaining. I thought by doing this it would work to my advantage. Actually it did at first it worked like magic until my dad figured it out and started using it to his advantage. For instance he will say if you walk with me today I "might" let you go out, might being the key word. After walking with him and trying to be pleasant I am excitedly thinking, "Yes I am going out" tonight. But no I will ask him and he will flat out say no. This makes me mad and then we get into an argument. This causes tension between me and my dad and a fight I was trying to avoid. Over time I have learned appeasing someone isn't always the most effective way to get what you want. The other person has to be willing to go along and want to ease the tension as well. Appeasement is not like a signed contract; it is based on good faith that both parties will give into each other’s demands. With appeasement there is no guarantee.


  1. I'm not sure if this is really appeasement because its more of a compromise, but if you just walked with him to keep the peace between you guys without benefitting in any way, that would be appeasement. I like your idea in the last two sentences that appeasement is more of a moral agreement, not anything signed or written down even.

  2. Your last sentence is great because it applies to so many situations. There was no guarantee that Hitler would stop after taking over parts of Europe, but the Allies took that bet and tried to appease Hitler. But they lost it because with appeasement there was no guarantee.

  3. I think that my own father daughter relationship is the same way...No, but I think that you made some interesting points about hitler...I really liked it overall and great title...
