Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Guess What? You are in Total War!

A classic, filled with stereotypes and false persuasion sprinkled with fear -- all the ingredients for an effective propaganda poster! The ironic thing is/was that this is what our country ultimately needed on the home-front. No American truly knew what conditions existed in Europe and Japan, thus it was easy for the government to convince citizens that their troops were endangered, and in need of their home country's support. It was a total war, as the home-front became ever present in the fight to stay alive on the battle-front. Every American took on more responsibilities as food-rationing went into place. Families, wives, girlfriends, sisters, brothers, etc. were constantly writing letters, sending cigarettes and chocolate just to make sure their men had something to hold onto. This poster illustrates the importance of what it really means to work. Each day is another day towards the war effort, and if one person takes it off, that could be one more American soldier killed.

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