Monday, March 2, 2009

The Solution to Reconstructing Germany

Although Hitler was born into a very poor family and had a
troublesome love life, he started showing leadership ability from a young age, and was
able to gain enough power to get people on his side and destroy innocent culture. 
The article I found on Adolf Hitler is from the April 13, 1998 issue of TIME Magazine.  The author, Elie Wiesel, explains that Adolf was pure evil and a madman with cruel intentions. She uses an interesting word to describe Hitler. She says that Hitler had a hypnotic gaze, which I believe is true. Hitler's hypnotic gaze, is another way to say that he gained followers (by hypnotizing or brainwashing them). I believe the people of Germany were so torn down by WWI, that when Hitler came to power, the only thing that would raise them back up was this leader, Hitler. Little did they know at the time, since people were so desperate for help, that this man - with a troublesome life- would completely destroy anything that stood in his way to becoming powerful. 
Like Wiesel said, the people did not see the cruel intentions hidden under Hitler's passionate speeches. It was not the people's fault although they did make him powerful by supporting him. He completely brainwashed every one of "his" citizens. And as I stated before, people truly believed that with Hitler they could reconstruct the broken pieces of Germany. I also agree with her main point that Hitler redefined the word "evil" by his despicable actions and decisions. This is evident in the lasting impact of his actions on people today.

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