Monday, March 2, 2009

War Plan

I'm not sure what most people think about when they think of how WWII was conducted, but you can get a look at a top secret, well I guess not anymore, letter from Adolf Hitler to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.  Included are details about where and when the war is conducted, and what Hitler sets as rules for what Germany can and can't do.  Hitler made sure that he retained control in the war and he made sure that a lot of Germany's possible war movements were under his strict control.  The letter addresses different countries and what their roles are in the war, as well as how they should be treated considering neutrality vs. possible reactions against Germany.  Hitler has different plans for the Navy and for the Army and has stationed each in a different position in the countries best interest, offensively or deffensively.  

He ends his letter with:  "Preparations are to be made for attacks against the British mainland, bearing in mind that partial success with insufficient forces is in all circumstances to be avoided."  Which could mean that he thinks that he should attack Britian seperately.  The fact that Partial Success isn't an option probably means that he wants a big force behind him and complete victory.

Quick Note:  The link is from a Gale Database so I'm not sure if it will work everywhere.

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