Monday, March 2, 2009

Hitlers Inauguration

Through being a very influential public speaker, Adolf Hitler gained power, this has become common knowledge. He promoted his ideas and grew his very own following. However, in the end it was the previous Chancellor that had to give him the reigns over Germany. This was the turning point, and this is exactly what is discussed in the times article titled “Hitler into Chancellor” which can been seen in the February 6th 1933 edition of time magazine. This article goes through both a historical background of what got Hitler to where he is currently (meaning feb. 1933) along with a fair amount of dialog straight from the “inauguration”. This was truly a huge turning point for not only Germany but for the world. Little did we know that just a few years later we would be fighting yet another world war. Throughout the ceremony in which Hitler was being made Chancellor, he brought up recent events, such as Mussolini and his march on Rome.
“‘With what power, Herr Hitler,’ growled Old Paul, ‘do you seek to be made Chancellor?’
‘Precisely the same power that Mussolini exercised after his March on Rome!’ chirped cheeky Adolf.”
Not only did this article give a summary of the ceremony, but it also described Hitler’s struggle for power, which included defeating Germany’s Communist party. The most interesting part about this article though, is how it is written in the past. This gives us America’s view on Hitler before the concentration camps and the slaughter of 6 million Jews. Surprisingly enough this article doesn’t display nearly as much hatred as articles today, in fact it displays virtually no feelings at all about Hitler and his Socialist movement. However, this isn’t to surprising because, at this time, Hitler had not done very many things that would be important enough to be heard by the entire world. So in this point in time, people had no opinion on Hitler, which is why this article simply displayed the facts and the story line of Hitler becoming Chancellor rather than an opinion.

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