Monday, March 2, 2009

Hitler liked money- a lot.

Apparently, as has been revealed by a new German television documentary called "Hitler's Money", Hitler liked money. The author of the New York Times article says that Hitler had a large amount of wealth at the time of his death, much of it from income generated through his writing and photographs. Although he appeared to be very thrifty and penny-wise publically, in private, he loved money's power a good deal. Money, as he said, could be used to get almost anything one wanted in this world- a concept that is still well-understood some 60 years later. That is, in essence, all that the article says.

Although I did not know Hitler had such a deep, profound love for money (due to our held belief that Hitler was very frugal, etc.), I do not find it surprising. When one such as Hitler reaches such a high level of power that the very treasury of a nation is open to them, it is expected that human greed will kick in, and cause them to take advantage of their power and position.

Humans are funny things, ne?

P.S.: Forgive me for the short post. It's 11:30PM.

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