Monday, March 2, 2009

Hitler's Death

The New York Times piece that I read was about the day that Hitler died. That day, hitler realized that the war was going to end and he was going to be on the losing side. Only days earlier, Mussolini was captured and killed in Milan. He knew that there was nothing that he could do to retaliate from his defeats, but he didn't want to fall into the hands of the Russians, so he decided to commit suicide. His personal pilot suggested that he flee to another place where he could be hidden and safe like Jerusalem, where he had many followers. He didn't want this though. During his final dictation, he proclaimed that everything he had done and all the decisions that he made where for the greater good of Germany. He also said that he had to make more difficult decisions than anyone else ever in history. Before he committed suicide, he ordered his followers to burn his body once he was dead and dispose of it in the Elbe River. Personally I believe that the reason that Hitler wanted to commit suicide was because he couldn't accept that he was defeated. He never wanted to see the day that he lost once and for all so he made sure that he never would. Also, i think that the reason he wanted his body burned is because if he had a corpse, people would later find it and he never wanted anyone to ever find him. Unfortunately for him, it is believed that his skull was found recently with the bullet hole in it. It was believed to have been removed before cremation and sent to Moscow. When it was finally unwrapped, the women holding it said that her hands were shaking.

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