Monday, March 2, 2009

The Unperson

"When I think of Adolf Hitler, nothing occurs to me." This article discusses Hitler as an "unperson". Even after all of these years of studying him, his motives remain hidden. The article explores why people are so fascinated with Hitler--the inexplicable unperson--and how Hitler studies continue even though his public life has been extensively documented. Personally, I think that studying Hitler's life more will not unearth any new discoveries about him. I don't think that anyone is going to find something that explains him or his reasoning from just studying and re-studying the facts of his life and power. Maybe analyzing him psychologically could shed some light on his behavior, but I doubt it. Honestly, I think that Hitler was--as the article says--inexplicable. He was an "unperson" in the sense that no one, past of present, really understands his motives. We cannot relate to him, so to us he lacks the qualities of a person.

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