Monday, March 2, 2009

How to rise to power

The most important way to get power as a politician is to have control of your people. Figure out a way to brainwash them, and you will quickly rise. The most effective way is through teaching the youth, but you have to get there first. First, brainwash your people through propaganda. Hitler did it; he used the very powerful media to make the people believe whatever he wanted them to believe. People have too much trust in the media. People believe a lot of what they see or read. Schools can be another very powerful tool. Manipulate your youth, and you will have years of a brainwashed society. Kids don’t know any better. Most kids are not independent enough to make their own decisions, so it’s a perfect time to further your own agenda. Why do you think the Taliban doesn’t want girls to go to school? Unless you can control the teachings of a school, schooling will backfire. Have a population of dumb, oblivious, overly religious, and poor people and your task becomes even easier. All of this will go to waste if you don’t come in at the right time. No one wants to change when the economy is great or when the country is thriving; however, people do want to change when you have a bad leader or when the economy is doing poorly (like after a war). Hitler rose to power in Germany when inflation was a problem from WW1. He used Jews and communists as their scapegoats. Another useful tool is fear. Fear can be used at many different times. You can use fear to get power, or you can use fear to maintain your power. The Taliban uses fear to maintain control. The have public demonstrations for people who go against the regime. They kill the person (or people) and leave them in the streets for a week or so, so people can see what happens if they break even their most ridiculous rule. Another tactic commonly used here is having some sort of police. Perhaps the most famous example is Hitler’s SS. The SS would enforce Hitler’s ideas. They made sure that people weren’t revolting. The Taliban is basically one big police group. One more important thing in rising to power is using the middle class. Ride the middle class to the top. Most famous rises to power throughout history have been through the middle class; even Obama did. The rest is easy. Just don’t go to war with the U.S. Remember getting power isn’t about you actually doing things. It’s about your people listening to you. Your people have to fight against themselves, and then you have achieved complete power.

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