Monday, March 2, 2009

Article Review

The article I read was about how some of the Olympics' proudest traditions and symbols have a dark past.  The torch relay and the 5 rings were both created by Adolf Hitler as a form of propaganda to add prestige and glamor to the 1936 Germany Olympics.  The torch was supposed to be a representation of the "perfect" German nation and their accomplishments, and the rings were added as part of the pageantry as a representation of the first 5 Olympics.  I think that it is really a shame that 2 international symbols of the Olympics, one of the few events where every country can put aside their differences in the spirit of competition, were created by a person who wanted to dominate the world.

1 comment:

  1. How is it a shame? The torch relay now is a great event. Supporting the olympics doesn't mean that you support Hitler. That is what your implying. The olympics can still be an event where every country can put aside their differences in the spirit of the competition. I think your stretching it too far.
