Monday, March 2, 2009

Time Magazine-August 1938

I read an article from the August 1938 issue of Time entitled JaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJa: Nein!. Though I can't explain the title, I can say that I was utterly shocked when I read the content of the article. It's from the week that Hitler seized power from Paul von Hindenburg. The question that comes to my mind is "How could the German people be so naive as to believe these things that he said?" All the people quoted in the article, whether important politicians or citizens of Germany, agreed that Hitler would unify Germany and solve all the economic and political problems Germany faced. How did they not see through that? How were they so easily manipulated into believing these lies he fed them? Hitler was incredibly good at knowing what people wanted to hear, but it scares me to think that nobody predicted the mass destruction his dictatorship would cause. Even worse, it scares me to think that someone like Hitler could come along in the future and fool people into blindly following his regime. Reading this article after knowing the true devastation Hitler caused is eye-opening because the same thing could happen to the U.S. or another country in the future. 

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