Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Appeasement and Family

There have been quite a few times when I have tried to appease someone in order to avoid further conflict. I have had numerous clashes with my parents over time, many of them ending with one of us giving up some ground on an issue. For example, my parents will often start thinking of increasing our (that is, my brother, my sister and I) regular chores. They will say that we are not doing enough around the house and that we often forget to do something. Consequently, my siblings and I will work extra hard for a few weeks and offer to help with other tasks whenever we can. Our parents will usually refrain from pursuing increasing our chores, and are satisfied enough to let the matter drop.
However, my parents are not the only ones who I have to appease sometimes. My younger cousins Jasper and Jones can be quite a handful at times. In particular, Jones is forever making demands of various things. When told "No!" he usually whines "But I want it!" and then has a tantrum. Often, I find myself just giving him whatever he wants in hopes that he will go bug someone else. Unfortunately, that is rarely what happens.

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