Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Although no one likes to do it, we all use appeasement in our daily lives. Whether it be letting your friend win an argument just so that it will end or doing your chores, so that you don't have to fight with your parents, everyone has to do it sometimes. Although appeasement is supposed to be used to keep peace and therefore make another person happy instead of personal gain, often it can work in your favor. For example, if my mom asks me to do chores all day, from cleaning to doing the laundry, I do it so that we won't get in a fight and so that she doesn't have to do it. Since she didn't have to do the chores, she is in a better mood and is happy with me. Later in the day if I need something, like a to a friends house, she is more likely to give it than if I hadn't done my chores, because I did something for her. You could say that she is appeasing me back for when I appeased her. Appeasement is generally a good thing to do for others even if at the time it doesn't seem like a thing that you want to do. Although I understand that appeasement is not supposed to benefit you, because that would be compromise, I believe that in most cases, you will always benefit from appeasement because at the very least, the person that you are appeasing will think better of you for it.


  1. Although this is not appeasement, (Appeasement is when you give in to something to avoid future conflict) I can relate to your story because it's something that occurs a lot in everyone's life. Academics before homework.

  2. I totally know what you mean, but this is definitely a compromise or understanding between you and your parents. I still agree with what you're saying though

  3. I understand what you are saying, but I think that in this situation it is more of a compromise than appeasement because you are benefiting from the situation.
