Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Appeasement-Here To Stay

For many of us appeasement in our lives is a result of just being plain tired, at least it is for me. Often when I try to appease someone it is because I am too tired to care that deeply about the issue at hand anymore. It usually is not worth it to me to keep fighting over it, just so I can be right or get my way. I have a friend who I can often get in arguments with over unimportant issues. She is the type of person who will never admit she is wrong and unless I truly care about the matter, I will often end the conversion with a "whatever, it doesn't matter" because I know she will never admit that she is in the wrong. And since I have known her for a while, I know that this trait in her will not change and I am tired of trying to alter it. Maybe if it is a topic I that I am passionate about, I won't so easily surrender, but I think that appeasement is here to stay.


  1. Appeasement is definitely a way to continue a friendship and fighting over tv shows is not worth chancing a friendship so I like how your priorities are also incorporated in your blog. Very good and straight forward, this is definitely something I can relate to!
    Good Job Molly!

  2. I know someone that does that too... and I end up doing the same thing that you do, haha. This probably isn't good for the friend in terms of conversational and social skills, but I guess it's better than dragging out a pointless conversation.

  3. I think it was interesting that looked into why people go straight to appeasement as a solution to a problem and I agree that much of it is about laziness/tiredness. And because of this I also agree that its here to stay.
