Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Appeasement: Sibling relationships

There have been various times when my brother and I have got into a huge fight, where we are screaming and yelling at each other. In addition like all siblings my brother and I hit each other occasionally when we are mad. However, what my brother always has against him is the fact that if he starts hurting me and I scream my mom will run into the room, and he will get punished for hurting me, because I am younger. So I normally start screaming and he i appeases, and gives into my trap because he knows that he will get in trouble if he doesn't stop.


  1. I think this is good, but your not supposed to gain anything out of appeasement, but Im sure you'll change it. Its more of a compromise because you eventually benefit from it.
    I have the same arguing problem with my brother. haha

  2. I'm a little confused on how you appeased your brother but in the case of your parents, it's more of a compromise than appeasement. if you didn't get anything out of being nice to your parents then it would be more of appeasement. i had the same problem with my appeasement story.

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  4. I can definitely understand where you are coming from, because that is a situation that I often find myself in with my parents. I think you are mixing appeasement and compromise though, because you aren't supposed to get anything out of appeasement. I also felt that it was a little hard to understand the part about your brother.

  5. After reading your edited version I think this situation relates to appeasement perfectly. I can also relate to the sibling situation, because I am the youngest child in my family.
